The Cast and crew of pippin

Pippin: Max Dexter

Leading Players: Alex Valentine and Morgan Dexter

Charles: Alex Lucchesi

Fastrada: Rebecca Riley

Bertha: Lynne Johnson

Lewis: Maeve Moriarty

Catherine: Kaleigh Mason

Theo : Dustin Gosselin


Bethany Ambrose

Amy Kraskouskas

Joe Hackler

Maureen ONeill

Hannah Reggio

Director : Donna Wresinski

Musical Direction : Malcolm Granger

Choreographer : Johanna Stipetic

Stage Manager: Kaleigh Mason

ASM/Props: Priscilla Hurley

Set Design : Guy Trudeau

Sound: Adam Wannie

Spot Operator: Frank Scanzillo

Dance Captain: Morgan Dexter

Costumes : Brian Simons and Tami Trask Good

Last night's performance of Arthur Miller's powerful drama All My Sons by the cast of the EventideTheater Company in Dennis, MA was stunning. I have seen this piece a number of times and last night's was one of the best. The entire cast brought this tragic play to life in a memorable and often heart breaking way and earned a much deserved standing ovation. While each cast member gave a note worthy performance, special gold stars from this viewer, go to those portraying the key players, the parents, Joe and Kate and Chris the surviving son. The ending, as it usually does, brought many in the audience, including this member, to tears. Congatulations, Eventide Theater Company!

Lois M

Eventide Theatre Company is a 501(c)3 independent theatre located in the heart of Dennis Village and is known for presenting  thought-provoking plays, concerts, lectures, and mixed media events. Annually Eventide hosts the Kaplan Playwriting/New Plays competition.